[UPDATE] Refine Plus & Novice Channel 24/08/2016

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  • @Shadow Before the update the DT floor 11 looked like this (see screenshot attached of floor 11)

    After the update additional def is required to be able to reach floor 11 (more avg res, def+6 in armour, 150 def mount), as monsters make 160-400 damage. Of course, a party with strong characters might do the job.
    (see screenshots of floor 10, as with 1400 def i was unable to survive more than 3-4 secs)

  • @Shadow Before the update the DT floor 11 looked like this (see screenshot attached of floor 11)

    After the update additional def is required to be able to reach floor 11 (more avg res, def+6 in armour, 150 def mount), as monsters make 160-400 damage. Of course, a party with strong characters might do the job.
    (see screenshots of floor 10, as with 1400 def i was unable to survive more than 3-4 secs)

    just click 1 white liq from 200 ac and you are the boss xD

  • After the update additional def is required to be able to reach floor 11 (more avg res, def+6 in armour, 150 def mount), as monsters make 160-400 damage. Of course, a party with strong characters might do the job.

    (see screenshots of floor 10, as with 1400 def i was unable to survive more than 3-4 secs)

    I really don't know how this is possible, I'm a mage and at the moment I have 1035 defense without any boosts, without the 150 def mount (used to have 1290 before the nerf) and that's how I go to blue death without any problems, solo. I don't know why people think that defense is everything.

    Bio really doesn't affect much, ofc I do notice difference in AP but it's okay. Still won't team up with players :)

  • dear shadow or null, i want an explanation why you changed the game dynamics as the chars or mobs never knock back when we finish combo or attacking with horse, why players can just walk away from me when i hit them with my sword, like nothing happening, someone is killing me awww lets take a step like the sword is not next to my neck. i mean does this make any sense? does this make the game any better? if it does can you explain me how? its just out of physics rules omg i dont understand it. in pvm it gives players many advantages but its still not a normal thing. today i told a mage that this update sucks, and i got told that im a mirage so thats why i dont like it. but no, it just doesnt fit with human brain. game is now like a 2d mario game sad but true

    So if you have any explanation behind it let us know please

  • @woopie well, you would have a point if you could use sword in day by day life. If you would, then you will probably notice people will tend to run away from you, i like your point but try to see pvp from the perspective of weaker players :) I am sure with a sword in real life you can drag and push the opponent all over the ground :)

    OK, what i wrote above should not be considered an insult, but metin2 and laws of physics, xD Why can archers shot around the corner? isn't this bending the law of physics with human mind?

    We wear armours, it's normal, they defend our skin, so we can run away from killers :)

    As i am seeing it the game is changing from individual characters to large mass of players. Skills will become more important than normal hits and yes, we must learn PvP from scratch, as these changes are something new, both PvP and PvM.

    If any of you can help with some guide lines for blue death under new conditions, it will be nice. I tested magic res there and it doesn't work for me, for sure is something i am doing it wrong. But, before the update, 1900 def was very good and i am pretty sure it's not magic damage, because it's cut in half by blessing. Blessing does offer resistance to physical hits and it clearly reduces it, or the numbers would be higher.

    Thanks in advance.

  • We are done with explanations. From now on we will just answers questions regarding the updates in case some of you did not understand how some new system or items works and that's it.

    This is not a question, nor is it complaining. I like the Idea of mobs not running away and i dont care alot about balancing the monsters. Still iam concerned about the champions beeing balanced. This Game isnt a Moba like LoL, wher you can change to another champion every 40 minutes. You work years on your own champion because every champion has its role and you most likely keep is. You play a special champion for years because you have fun with this role.

    An assassin has the highest combo burst, a mirage has the remove of magic and he is the best pvm class and highlevel scaling, a warrior has the highest dps because of its beserk or he can be a great tank with high damage but easy to avoid skills.
    A buffer mage is meant to help their teammates, same goes for a healer mage. An archer is a pain for those, who dont have arrow resist in a war ;D
    Myself, i always wanted to be the pvm guy, iam not concerned about pvp.

    If you "balance" those Champions, they still have to fit in their role! An assassin still has to be the burst champion that it was. A Buffer mage who is supposed to help teammembers shouldnt fit in this spot! A mirage should always be the best pvm class and a beserker the best dps class. A healer cant be the crazy motherfu**er who rips every1. Its just not meant to be.

    This point made, every1 who plays a champions knows about its role. They play it BECAUSE of its role in the game. Pls dont balance the champions the way, that years of hard work is completly useless. It shouldnt be the case that other champions changes their roles in this gameand others get worthless... Why playing is sin if he has no burst? :) Or for myself, why playing a mirage if an archer would be the better pvm class :D

  • Look, i just want to add something.
    Μany times when i pvp'ed i couldn't even hit the enemy while he had G berserk and i had it P. Same goes for assasins.
    Also, when a warrior now attacks you and you don't get pushed away, he doesn't have to run and lose 1-2 seconds while an archer/mage/sura can still skill.
    I think it's pretty fair now.

    • Official Post

    An assassin has the highest combo burst, a mirage has the remove of magic and he is the best pvm class and highlevel scaling, a warrior has the highest dps because of its beserk or he can be a great tank with high damage but easy to avoid skills.

    We are giving back the roles and not changing them. The Mental Warrior was supposed to tank, but with those overpowered bio, anybody could have been a mental warrior. Meaning that this class has no purpose anymore.

    The assassin is the combo master? For 1 skill that made a combo is now a combo master? I don't even know what kind of laughing face should I make after this statement. The assassin is meant to be stealthy. Is the type of characters who pop out of nowhere and stab your back. They are also the fastest class, nothing hits faster than the daggers. Right now we are changing the stealth to give proper invisibility based on the grade, where full invisibility is granted at Perfect level, because seeing some sparky shining points is completly stupid. The body warrior can't really miss the skills, the slowest one is the whirlwind but it has such a huge radius that you will hit something. What made the pvp extremly unfair is exactly the stun lock. Warriors or sins and even mirage suras, had only to auto attack the opponent (but even using the spacebar had the same results) and enjoying the view of their opponenet being carried away in a semi comatose state, flying around, unable to move, skill or counter attack in any way.

    Of course unless you are a mage, black magic sura or archer you would not understand this.

  • Haven't had the chance yet to test all these new updates in game but hopefully, gonna see them today at NW/SW.

    It is a bold and risky move to try to balance characters after so many years and I am kinda curious and excited to see how it turns out.

    Cannot comment any further but thumbs up for the balls the team showed. lol

  • Well, i have always thinked that spinning dagger was created like a skill to hit and avoid at the same time so, i think is a good change, it's no-sense that an assassin can kill you with one round skills [Dagger (x3 dmg) + ambush + fatal strike + Ops, you are dead]

  • I don't get how the team can make such a mistake...i mean if a person tells you are wrong hmm idk, if 2 persons tell you are wrong idk...
    If 20 people tell you are wrong, You might actually be wrong.

    All this "balance" is by far the biggest imbalance this server had to face.
    How can you talk about balance when close combat characters have absolutely no chance to win 1v1 against long range classes ?

    Shadow was talking about the fact that BM, archer and healer had a huge disadvantage because of auto attack,
    yet there is one healer mage who had many wins in budokan, especially against close combat characters like body warrior and sin dagger. Also there were archers in budokan who had the supremacy, not to mention other categories like bronze silver gold where BM lead it for ages.

    In fact, auto attack is the only thing that make PVP being balanced, because if long range classes can simply run in circles and hit you, there is absolutely no chance to even make any dmg.

    This server allows you to have something like 75% chance to block. Actually healer was invincible vs warrior before the "balance update", with all the auto attack and pierce because simply you can't make more dmg than heal when the healer has huge chance to block and res, yet he can still dmg you and poison and pierce in all this time.
    Not to mention the fact that budokan doesn't allow liquids, so magic classes have the advantage.

    Also, if i remember well, there was one bm in gold category named kasuraa who could kill any body warrior with all his auto attack just by running in circles with ROD on.
    If i remember there was an archer in hero category who could kill body very easy just by poison, running away and finally using skills in close range ( seems that skills can be made against auto attack if you know how to play )

    Actually, if you look at budokan winners list, you will see that body warrior and weapon sura have the least wins.
    So tell me more about how stun lock and auto attack make this game imbalanced.
    So again, as other people say, gz to the team for making close combat characters completely useless in pvp.
    After players invest so much time and work to build their characters, years and years become completely wasted.

    The team made a great work until now, there is no doubt that this is one of the best server from this point of view, but everything you built until now will be destroyed because of one huge mistake.
    All the good work you guys did until now will be canceled in a second if you refuse to open your eyes, if you refuse the feedback from players who played this game for years and years and kept PVP alive in this server.

    In my humble opinion, arrogance like "if you don't like what we did, just go away" is not the the most creative way to keep the server alive, especially to attract new players.

    I really put hope in you that you try at least to analyze all this,since i like to think that you don't consider crazy all the players who made a statement about this.

    Fun fact: try a normal duel body vs sin dagger for example and tell me how amazing it is without stun lock. It's like 2 apes hitting each other in the head over and over.
    Well, i can't wait for today's SW to laugh my ass off. I hope you guys will watch.

    Now seriously, i appreciate all the work you do, i always supported whatever new update and i look at all this in an objective manner even though i get a disadvantage. I can agree to anything new, but destroying the game dynamics just makes the game inanimate.

    I personally don't care about bio nerf too much, i don't care if you remove stun lock in pvm, but don't mess the game dynamics PLEASE. It is the most basic definition of metin2. That is why we all play hack and slash, this is what makes this game enjoyable.


  • you are just killing the game with that update Shadow :) just log in make some pvp or pvm and you will see..guess you will only be happy when people stop playing metin2.SG. Put the stun lock again and then yes there will be balance in the game <.<