Pr0metheus lvl39, saturday 16:00

PvM King Event (Sat, Dec 14th 2019, 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
- Tary
- Closed
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Mashook 35 lvl saturday 15.30
I would like to register with AstonJunior Saturday 15:45
Have a nice Day!
TheCheapShop lvl 39 time 20:00 saturday
xCHANGERx 62 lvl
xCHANGERx 62 lvl
You have to specify the Date and Hour you want to participate.
Check the schedule on the first post
WtTf - lvl 39 - 16:15
SirSerbaNN - Lv 110 - 18:15
Dear Players,
The Results of the PvM King of the month of January are:
RampageThirty5 - 02:14.11
UtherPendragon - 01:41.57
Mashook - 04:11.29
AstonJunior - 04:41.64
Pr0metheus - 01:57.83
WtTf - 02:15.99
AlmightyHoly - 02:18.51
ZeitVertreib - 07:59.99
anonymxx - 04:07.29
TheCheapShop - 03:28.23
xLykan - 04:20.81
SirSerbaNN - 06:56.61
SpeedCoreX - No Show
Tydy - 06:54.45
ODYNIEC - 07:53.41
Kekzii - No Show
1st Category
- Pr0metheus
- RampageThirty5
- WtTf
- AlmightyHoly
2nd Category
3rd Category
- anonymxx
- xLykan
- AstonJunior
- ZeitVertreib
4th Category
- Tydy
- SirSerbaNN
Send a private message to [SGM]Tary, in game, to receive your rewards.
Kind Regards,
Metin2 SG Team
Gratz to all ;D i'm so lonely in 2nd category
Saturday, 16:30 (SG's GMT), Element115
UtherPendragon 62lv saturday 15.00 gmt+0
RampageThirty5 saturday 15:15
Pr0metheus Saturday 16:00
Mashook Saturday 15.30
WtTf lvl 39 Saturday 16:15
Kekzii Saturday 6 PM GMT+0
Dear Players,
The Results of the PvM King of the month of February are:
UtherPendragon - 01:40.49
RampageThirty5 - 02:28.31
Mashook - 03:34.94
XHeManX - Time's Up 1st Round
Pr0metheus - 01:33.58
Wolfestainnnn - Time's Up 1st Round
Element115 - 03:37.81
WtTf - 02:15.94
QfZ - Time's Up 1st Round
Kekzii - 07:04.16
Tydy - 06:33.17
AlmightyHoly - 02:45.68
GoldDAce - Died in the 1st Round
CarolusRex - 07:44.66
TorchNNN1 - Time's Up 1st Round
skus - 01:38.55
AstonJunior - 03:53.78
AnadKali - 05:10.47
Category 1
- Pr0metheus - 01:33.58
- skus - 01:38.55
- WtTf - 02:15.94
- RampageThirty5 - 02:28.31
Category 2
- UtherPendragon - 01:40.49
- AlmightyHoly - 02:45.68
- Element115 - 03:37.81
Category 3
- AstonJunior - 03:53.78
Category 4
- AnadKali - 05:10.47
- Tydy - 06:33.17
- Kekzii - 07:04.16
Send a private message to [SGM]Tary, in game, to receive your rewards.
Kind Regards,
Metin2 SG Team
Dear Players,
The Results of the PvM King of the month of February are:
UtherPendragon - 01:40.49
RampageThirty5 - 02:28.31
Mashook - 03:34.94
XHeManX - Time's Up 1st Round
Pr0metheus - 01:33.58
Wolfestainnnn - Time's Up 1st Round
Element115 - 03:37.81
WtTf - 02:15.94
QfZ - Time's Up 1st Round
Kekzii - 07:04.16
Tydy - 06:33.17
AlmightyHoly - 02:45.68
GoldDAce - Died in the 1st Round
CarolusRex - 07:44.66
TorchNNN1 - Time's Up 1st Round
skus - 01:38.55
AstonJunior - 03:53.78
AnadKali - 05:10.47
Category 1
- Pr0metheus - 01:33.58
- skus - 01:38.55
- WtTf - 02:15.94
- RampageThirty5 - 02:28.31
Category 2
- UtherPendragon - 01:40.49
- AlmightyHoly - 02:45.68
- Element115 - 03:37.81
Category 3
- AstonJunior - 03:53.78
Category 4
- AnadKali - 05:10.47
- Tydy - 06:33.17
- Kekzii - 07:04.16
Send a private message to [SGM]Tary, in game, to receive your rewards.
Kind Regards,
Metin2 SG Team
again new record, eZ game
Saturday 15.00 gmt+0 - UtherPendragon 62lv