Saturday 16:00 - Pr0metheus

PvM King Event (Sat, Dec 14th 2019, 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
- Tary
- Closed
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Saturday 15:15 anonymxx
lvl 35
Saturday 16:30 AlmightyHoly lvl 50
Sunday 19 45 GMT AnadKali
WtTf lvl 39 19:00
Is it already finished for march? If not I would like to take a part.
Hey there,
Is it already finished for march? If not I would like to take a part.
The event ended on Sunday, but I'm looking forward to see you next month!
The Results for the month of March are:
UtherPendragon - 01:50.72
anonymxxx - 03:34.87
Barnito - 03:41.63 - Died on 3rd Round
AstonJunior - 03:03.26
Pr0metheus - 02:07.66
RedFung - Not his Main Character
AlmightyHoly - 02:16.84
Tydy - 08:22.62
Mashook - 05:11.17
mavi - Time's Up on the 1st Round
Etherial - 02:14.16
WtTf - 02:39.73
AnadKali - 05:02.69
1st Category
- Etherial - 02:14.16
- WtTf - 02:39.73
2nd Category
- UtherPendragon - 01:50.72
- Pr0metheus - 02:07.66
- AlmightyHoly - 02:16.84
- Mashook - 05:11.17
3rd Category
- AstonJunior - 03:03.26
- anonymxxx - 03:34.87
4th Category
- AnadKali - 05:02.69
- Tydy - 08:22.62
Send a private message, in game, to [SGM]Tary to receive your rewards!
Kind Regards,
The results are wrong
Etherial is lvl 62 and was put together with WTF which is lvl 35 -
If you are killed during the first two tasks, you are automatically disqualified from further competition;
Barnito - 03:41.63 - Died on 3rd Round
then i wonder why i was disqualified
you couldn't kill desert outlaws, that's is why
because of that you couldn't advance to next round
then i wonder why i was disqualified
Hey there,
That is easy. You died once. You had another chance and you died again.
On 3rd, 4th and 5th Rounds, if you die you have 1 more chance. If you die again you are disqualified.
Kind Regards,
is written on rules and i cant see ?
If you are killed during the first two tasks, you are automatically disqualified from further competition
does there say anything like 'you have 2 chances to try and if you fail you are disqualified' ?
you told me i can try only one more time and i believed you but when i check this thread there doesnt say anything like this.
i could have done this round and whole competition maybe if i wasnt disqualified.
dont you agree with me?
I don't agree with you no, you had a second chance and you die, You were disqualified.
this thing you are saying, is written on rules clearly?
The main rules are written on this thread, the other ones like time limits both of round 1 and the whole challenges are not written here.
I hope you were not expecting of trying the 3rd round limitless during the whole the day.
As I said the 3rd, 4th and 5th Round have 1 try if you day and that's it.
I understand you are not a big fan of losing but that's a big reason for you to come back stronger next time and not to complain about the rules.
I am sure I was pretty clear on this topic.
Kind Regards,
time limits for metins are written on the image uploaded to topic. and other rules are written on the thread.
its not a clever to argue on this. its not a clever thing for you to come here and create 'main rules and other rules' thing. of course i wouldnt take all day and get you guys waiting for me of course this wasnt gonna happen.
but it looks really embarrassing for game managament because with your arguements you look like speaking to a little boy or something.
dont create rules out of nothing 'during the event'.
a decent manager would already admit the mistake, fix the flaw on the rules, and trying to make it up to the victim.
i dont want to waste time of both of ours, but next time become real professional and set clear rules please.
Barnito, this rule about trying again after death on 3rd round and following is since i started participating (like 6 months or even 7, not sure). I don't know why are you complaining, I saw your run, and you had no chance against outlaws, u died within 5 secs ;P cheers mate, come back stronger