Posts by barnito

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    yo diggas brothers AlmightyChief is back on the pitch 8o

    my new char is Barnito i started all over again few days ago and i wanna see if i still have much motivation and insanity to play this game too much like before. so salute to everybody :P

    i played this game much enough to know you guys and i can say all of you were decent people, i had nice conversations and friendship with each one of you on time, i understand the fighting is hotter and funnier when you flame. but i wanna warn you guys please lower your tone a bit, avoid insulting and attacking to personality, anger will only end up like me(ban).

    ps: this thread reminds me of one and a half year ago when we dueled with xWarn, it was a competition that who reaches 5 wins he wins. when it was 4-4, i cheated (fulled my hp with a fast click on autopot) and won. i felt like i must win... so it was my confession, sorry xWarn bro i love you. but i was using pvm poison sword so i rocked anyway :D