Posts by Shadow

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    Dear Players,

    here are the Patch Notes for todays Patch,

    • The polymorph formula has been revamped to be easier to understand and to fix the numerous bugs that affected it.
    • The AP of the character will affect the damage of the polymorph. Polymorph skill now scale according to the level, from 0 damage boost and 1 minute duration at level 0, to 180 damage boost and 40 minutes duration at perfect master.
    • Added the NPC Beast Master, which sells 40 poly marbles at the price of material items
    • Poly marbles have now positive and negative bonus
    • The new poly marbles can appear on the shop search
    • Since most of the monsters you can transform into, lack the walking animation and there isn't much we can do about it, the stamina bar won't deplete anymore when you attack, which will solve the stuck issue when transformed
    • Removed the poly marbles from the crafting npc
    • Removed the poly marbles as random drop from monsters
    • Removed the snow cities
    • Christmas special on the item mall will be available until Sunday

    Regards Metin2 SG Team

    There are preview on some costumes and hairs too, but takes time to do all of them.

    Anyway this thread is not about misleading description or the cosmetic is not of your liking. Is the usual problem that people don't read and they won't change cause we are always at your disposal to fix your lack of reading skills. This has to change.

    All costumes hairs pets and mounts have to be considered not tradable. Those with a random bonus have stated it on the description, if there is no such statement, it means they don't have it. During event where costumes have higher bonus, the time starts after the purchase to avoid hoarding.

    Of course if there is such statement but it doesn't give the bonus, you can report and we apply the refund since is obviously a mistake.
    And thats the whole point, the admins always pay for their mistakes.

    We are not talking about a wrong description, we are talking about mistakes done due to being lazy to read a simple, 15 words description.

    If it is written male or female, you cannot mistake if you read.

    If the gift option tells you to put the character name, you cannot put the account name, cause lets be honest, is idiotic to think that we want you to know the account name of the player who purchase an item mall good from you, it would be a security flaw.

    If there is a level requirment or other kind of requirments, you must read it and not just purchase it.

    This thread is not for people who did 1 or 2 mistakes, is for people who have done 20 or more in a few weeks. We always accomodated but as usual when some people bring something to the extreme we have to adapt too.

    But do you realise people fished 40 fishes in 1 hour during the event, with a system they are not used to? With the old system they fished max 50, using multiple characters. Its all about adapting, i don't doubt you are unable to fish because you are used to the old system, but saying the chances are lower is wrong.

    The system was set on monday, on monday you did nothing, you didn't even test it out, you waited the day of the event, so what do you expect?

    It is the same crying as meley, too hard, impossible, nowdays the run is done in 15 minutes. What changed? Nothing, just people got used to it.

    You do realise that none of you ever fished before, you are all attempting now due to the updates, which makes me happy, but before pointing the finger and call it bad, you should at least try it for some days. It is the same advice i give everytime we implement new things.

    One. But i have been fishing a couple of days.

    Some recent attempts:

    It is not really hard once you get used, of course you can still fail.

    Out of the 4 attempts, 1 was impossibile to fish due to my +1 pole, the other is mathematically impossible since i do not know what i caught means no fish, the third i was answering a player and couldn't press it in time and the last success.

    It is reccomended to use the fishing marble so that you can pull out the moment you see the info XXX caught. Latency or not, if you pull out the moment you see the text you have 70% of success to catch a fish, compared to 50 of the old system. 70% last for 0.4 seconds, then lower to 50, 30 20 10 and 0. The sooner you pull out, the better.

    It takes time to adjust to this system but is far better since with the old system you had no idea when to pull out, certain fish needed 3 seconds after the fishing bubble appeared, hard to calculate if you care to fish legit and not without a bot.

    No because this map will also be used for automated pvm king event. The 4 arenas are for this purpose. At best we could add safe zone on the fishing spots, but disable pvp in the entire map is out of the question.

    I believe you are talking about the advices i gave you.

    First of all if you cannot understand english is better to ask clarifications instead of behaving like an illiterate. Nobody asked you to delete any character, you were asked if the same happens with another class. Your reply was that you do not want to create new characters and level up to 30 and that it is not relevant, because... because nothing you just don't have any knowledge to make this statement. There are differences between a male and a female character, which i don't expect you to know, but neither to deny.

    I told you that since is a situational bug, simply takes more time to be fix.

    Nobody said it is your internet connection either, i simply told you of another situational bug

    [BUG REPORT] Bonus page | Crashes in certain circumstances.

    Which was the result of weak connection. Seriously how can people be so dense and misunderstand to this extent is something that will never stop to amuse me.

    PS: Your report included such a low quality video that is hard to call it help.

    This is how you report a problem, sadly none of the team has it hence is a situational bug and hence it takes more to be fix. Add the fact that yes this is not a fishing game and hence is not a game breaking bug.

    PPS: Your second bug report about timed fished items expiring sooner than 4 hours, was fixed in a matter of days. So your statements are not just unfair but also wrong.