Daily Events Update

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  • Dear players, we would like to inform you about some significant changes to various events on the server. The major updates include:

    Boss Spawn: The event will now take place in the new version of the "Desert" map, which can be accessed via the warp panel. It will be divided into two 30-minute sections, with the first section being dedicated to players ranging from level 35 to level 70, and the second section for players ranging from level 71 to 120.

    Metin Spawn: This event will also take place in the new version of the "Desert" map and will be divided into two 30-minute sections, with the same level requirements as the Boss Spawn event. Additionally, a new metin called the "Lucky 7" will be present, which drops a significant amount of gold.

    Veins Spawn: This event will also take place in the new version of the "Desert" map and will be divided into three rounds of 10 minutes each.

    Tanaka Hunt: This event will take place in the new version of the "Desert" map and will last for 30 minutes. It will be significantly different from the past, with a defined number of tanakas spawning and players having 30 minutes to kill as many as possible. Once the tanakas are finished or the 30 minutes are up, the event will end.

    Events that last 24 hours will start at 9:00 PM and end at 9:00 PM server time the following day. The order of these events has also changed significantly, so please check the new calendar.


    Kind Regards,

    Metin2 SG staff