adrianwillis Wild Dog

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  • How to Remove Candle Wax from Carpet?

    Most homeowners are always in a rush to remove wax from the carpet, and they end up using sharp objects to scrape the wax. Here comes a bigger problem when you decide to use sharp objects to remove wax from the carpet is that you may cut the carpet accidentally. Thus, it’ll be even more damaged and ruined.

    It is advisable to have a look at Top Product Reviews XxHxp2r.gifcontent to learn about chemical solutions for removing wax from carpet. Both sharp objects and chemical removal methods are not good ideas as they can damage the carpet’s fiber. The following ways are safe and efficient to remove wax from the carpet.

    Ironing Method


    This is one of the most efficient ways of removing wax from the carpet. Get a clean towel, dampen it with water, and then fold it in half before spreading it on the wax on the carpet. Plug the iron and set it on high, and let it get hot for about 10 minutes. Switch off the electrical socket before pressing your iron on the towel over the wax. The heat should naturally draw the melted wax onto the carpet’s towel. You may have to repeat the ironing step until all the wax is completely removed. You may also hold the iron in place for about 30 seconds.

    Freeze and Dry Method

    This is another option of safely removing wax from carpets efficiently. You will need an ice pack or bag of ice, carpet cleaner or rubbing alcohol, towel, dull knife, and vacuum. Some of these items are listed on the Best Products For Sewing and Craft Projects at CraftsSelection 2Kh3_rU2-IkuUULbp9wNVlXNNJnf2wNWvV5kVXeMeGYWoKHvl1aeO3EvlEvTF0c78kZxSsa7og2OFkRJC5JPkPsb0w30qu7eK-tt6N0OsJElTxv8UFXNvtiAnRX6_AsuX-2si_cpwebsite to learn which one to choose.

    Once you have gathered your materials, the next step to take is to freeze the wax. Place the plastic bag of ice cubes on wax but make sure you wrap the ice bag or pack in a towel to prevent the wax from getting wet. Your aim here is to get the wax as cold as possible to remain solidified and easy to lift off the carpet quickly.


    The final step is to scrape off the cold and solidified wax from the carpet. Make sure you use a dull knife as a sharp knife may cut through the carpet fiber and cause severe damage. If the freezing has caused some water to soak into the carpet, you can use your vacuum to clean the area up.

    Sometimes the use of freezing and ironing methods are combined to remove the most stubborn wax from the carpet. You may have to prepare your carpet for the task ahead sometimes, especially if you have to do a complete clean-up after wax removal.

    In most cases, candle wax may spread in different directions on your carpet. This will make you spend more time cleaning the wax-up, and you have to repeat each procedure for each wax on the carpet. To save time, you can cut pieces of towels and dampen demand and place them on the wax spots. You have to press the hot iron on each of the wax to remove them completely.

    Are you looking for more ways to remove wax from carpet? Checking Crafts Selection 2fu9CPs.gifout will be a good solution for you.